২০১৫-১৭ শিক্ষা বর্ষে দুরশিক্ষা ব্যবস্থায় M.A./ M.Sc./ M.Com. কোর্সে ভর্তির জন্য অনলাইন দরখাস্ত আহব্বান করছে ডাইরেক্টরেট অব ডিস্টান্স এডুকেশন, বর্ধমান বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ।

আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ ৩০শে সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৫


1. Candidates must fill in the form carefully before submission. Incomplete form will be treated as cancelled.

2. Please select your preferable Study Centre after selecting the course.

3. Candidates are requested not to change their mobile number, once entered during online application. Candidates will receive One Time Password (OTP) on his/her mobile number. The OTP needs to enter into the appropriate field to verify his/her application registration.

4. After filling in the required fields in the online form, candidates are to assign his/her password defined by them using at least 6 alpha-numeric characters (alphabets, e.g., a,b,c,….. and numerals, e.g., 1,2,3,…..) for logging back to their own form. Application ID generated after submission of form will be the user name of his/her profile. Candidates are requested to remember their Application ID for future use.

5. Candidates are to take a print out of the Bank Challan for online admission and deposit the requisite fees as mentioned in the Challan to a nearest branch of State Bank of India. A candidate is to log on to his/her online form once again (within seven days of submission of Application Form) to insert the Journal No., Branch Code, Branch Name and Date of Deposition given by the bank on the Challan. The online application will be treated incomplete without insertion of the Journal No. given by the bank after making payment of the requisite fees. The requisite fees for different courses are as follows:


For M.A./M.Com. Courses
Rs.5,700 inclusive all for BU students who will be admitted at DDE
Rs.5,900 inclusive all for other university students who will be admitted at DDE
Rs.6,200 inclusive all for BU students who will be admitted at Study Centre
Rs.6,400 inclusive all for other university students who will be admitted at Study Centre

For M.A./M.Sc. in Mathematics
Rs.7,200 inclusive all for BU students who will be admitted at DDE
Rs.7,400 inclusive all for other university students who will be admitted at DDE
Rs.7,700 inclusive all for BU students who will be admitted at Study Centre
Rs.7,900 inclusive all for other university students who will be admitted at Study Centre

For M.Sc. in Computer Science
Rs.11,200 inclusive all for BU students who will be admitted at DDE
Rs.11,400 inclusive all for other university students who will be admitted at DDE
Rs.11,700 inclusive all for BU students who will be admitted at Study Centre
Rs.11,900 inclusive all for other university students who will be admitted at Study Centre.

5. After verification of the Journal No. the candidates are requested to relogin on the system and upload his/her recent clear (light colour background) colour passport size photograph(without signature) and signature (black or blue pen) separately.

6. After uploading the photograph and signature, candidates need to take print out of the application form.

7. Candidates need to visit the DDE Administrative Office or Study Centre(s) with all the original documents for verification along with the Application Form & University copy of the Bank Challan print out as per scheduled mentioned in the SMS or website.

8. During verification the candidates must produce the following documents in original and photocopies (Xerox):
a. Application Form
b. Bank Challan – University Copy
c. Admit Card of S.F. or equivalent examination
d. Marksheet of S.F. or equivalent examination
e. Marksheet of H.S. or equivalent examination
f. Marksheet of UG examination
g. Marksheet of PG examination (as the case may be)
h. B.U. Registration Certificate (applicable for BU students)
i. Caste certificate /PWD certificate

9. Admission will be confirmed after the verification of original documents.

10. If the Application Form, submitted at DDE or Study Centre, is complete in all respect, the candidate will be provided the Study Materials on the same day.

11. If false information is provided by any candidate, his/her application will be cancelled and in that case course fees will not be refunded.

12. Date of Submission of Form: 12th August, 2015 to 30th September, 2015

About Courses
Eligibility :
(1) A minimum 2nd class Hons. (Regular or Special) graduate in the relevant subject having pursued the course in the 10+2+3 pattern from any recognized University, or
(2) An unsuccessful Hons. graduate of the above pattern (i) who after having pursued the Hons. course at both the Part-I and Part-II stages obtained Pass Degree certificate of 3 year course securing at least 35% marks in aggregate (in concerned Hons. subject), or
(3) A minimum 2nd class Hons. (Regular or Special) graduate in the relevant subject having pursued the course of the old 11+3 pattern, or
(4) A pass graduate in the 10+2+3 pattern having offered the relevant subject as a combination / elective one (of not less than 300 marks at the degree stage) securing at least 40% marks in it, or,
(5) B.Sc, / B.Com. / B.A. Pass Graduates who subsequently passed Special B.A. (of not less than 300 marks in the relevant subject) securing at least 40% marks in it, or
(6) A pass graduate in the 10+2+2 / 10+1+3 / 11+3 pattern from any recognized institute who subsequently passed 1 year Bridge Course in the relevant subject (of not less than 300 marks at the degree level) and thus became equivalent to a pass graduate of 10+2+3 pattern securing at least 40% marks in it, or
(7) An M.A. in a subject willing to do M.A. in any other subject offered through Distance Mode irrespective of whether or not that subject was offered by him / her at the degree stage, provided that no M.A. in any professional subject like Music, Drama, Film Studies, Physical Education (M.P.Ed.), General Education (M.Ed.) etc. is entitled to this special provision. Provided further that no M.A. in “Islamic History and Culture” or “ Ancient History and Culture” from any University is entitled to do M.A. again in History from this University.
Duration :
2 Years
Pattern :
Yearly (Term-end Examination)
Course Fee :
Please see the Fees Structure Section
Adm. Date :
12th August, 2015 to 30th September, 2015

Name of the Course : M.A. / M.Sc. in MATHEMATICS
Eligibility :
(i) A minimum 2nd Class Hons. (Regular or Special) graduate in Mathematics having pursued the course in the 10+2+3 pattern from any recognized University, or 
(ii) An unsuccessful Hons. candidate of the above pattern (i) but who after having pursued the Hons. course at both the Part-I & Part-II stages obtained Pass Degree certificate of 3 year course securing at least 35% marks in aggregate in Hons. subject, or 
(iii) A minimum 2nd class Hons. (Regular or special) graduate in Mathematics having pursued the course of the old 11+3 pattern, or 
(iv) A B.A. / B.Sc. graduate in the 10+2+3 pattern having offered Mathematics as combination / elective one (of not less than 300 marks at the degree stage) securing atleast 50% marks in it, or 
(v) A B.A. / B.Sc. pass graduate in the 10+2+2 / 10+1+3 / 11+3 pattern from any recognized institute, who subsequently passed 1 year bridge course in Mathematics securing at least 40% marks in it.
Duration :
2 Years
Pattern :
Semester (4 Semesters)
Course Fee :
Please see the Fees Structure Section
Adm. Date :
12th August, 2015 to 30th September, 2015

 Course Name : M.Com.
Eligibility :
(i) A minimum 2nd Class Hons. (Regular or Special) graduate in Commerce having pursued the course in the 10+2+3 pattern from any recognized University, or 
(ii) An unsuccessful Hons. candidate of the above pattern (i) but who after having pursued the Hons. course at both the Part-I & Part-II stages obtained Pass Degree certificate of 3 year course securing at least 35% marks in aggregate in Hons. subject, or 
(iii) A minimum 2nd class Hons. (Regular or special) graduate in Commerce of the old 11+3 pattern, or 
(iv) A pass commerce graduate in the pattern securing a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate, or 
(v) A pass commerce graduate in the 10+2+2 / 10+1+3 / 11+3 pattern from any recognized institute, who subsequently passed 1 year bridge course in commerce and thus became equivalent to a pass graduate of 10+2+3 pattern securing at least 40% marks in it.
Duration :
2 Years
Pattern :
Yearly (Term-end Examination)
Course Fee :
Please see the Fees Structure Section
Adm. Date :
12th August, 2015 to 30th September, 2015

 Name of the Course : M.Sc. in COMPUTER SCIENCE
Eligibility :
(i) B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science; or 
(ii) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA);or 
(iii) B.E. or equivalent;or 
(iv) B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics / Statistics / Electronics / Physics / Chemistry with Computer Science as one of the combination subject;or 
(v) DOEACC A-Level or its equivalent;or 
(vi) PGDCA from State Council of Technical Education of Govt. of West Bengal.
Duration :
2 Years
Pattern :
Semester (4 Semesters)
Course Fee :
Please see the Fees Structure Section
Adm. Date :
12th August, 2015 to 30th September, 2015

আরো বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানতে অনুগ্রহ করে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট দেখুন নিচের দেওয়া লিঙ্কে



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