18TH WB SET-2014 E-Certificate, SET-2014 CUT-OFF MARKS (%) ও SET-2014 : RESULT (CORRIGENDUM) সংক্রান্ত ওয়েস্ট বেঙ্গল কলেজ সার্ভিস কমিশনের জরুরী বিজ্ঞপ্তি।

Copied from the Commission’s Original Notification below

 The qualified candidates of SET –2014 are hereby informed that e-certificate will be available very soon through webportal www.examinationonline.in/wbcscportal by clicking LOGIN FOR APPLICANT.

 SMS & email alert will also be sent to the qualified candidates. No certificate will be issued /send by any other mode.

The qualified candidates of SET –2014 are further informed to send self-attested photocopies of all the academic credentials/certificates to

 The Member Secretary, West Bengal SET, PURTA BHAVAN, DF BLOCK, SECTOR – I, 3 RD FLOOR, SALT LAKE, KOLKATA – 700 091.

The SET-2014 qualified candidates may apply for the Posts of Assistant Professor & Librarian (Advt No 1/2015).

Date : 1 st July, 2015                                Member Secretary,
 West Bengal SET

আরো বিস্তারিত তথ্য পাওয়া যাবে নিচের লিঙ্কে


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