২০১৫-১৭ শিক্ষা বর্ষে বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে M.A. কোর্সে ভর্তির জন্য অনলাইন দরখাস্ত আহব্বান করছে রবীন্দ্রভারতী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ ২৩শে জুলাই ২০১৫ (বিকাল ৫টা পর্যন্ত )

গুরুত্বপুর্ন তারিখঃ

Online Application begins
Last date of completing application process
23. 07. 2015 (Upto 5 PM)
Last Date for Online Payment in SBI Bank
24.07. 2015 (Upto 4PM)
1st Provisional Merit list of the candidates selected for admission and other details will be published on the University website
07.08.2015 (after 4:00 pm)
Provisional Admission
10/08/2015 and 11/08/2015

56A, B. T. ROAD, KOLKATA-700050
Admission Notice For M.A under Faculty of Arts
Admission Notice: FC/PG/06 /15 July 13 , 2015

The University invites online applications for admission to Post-graduate Courses (M.A) of 2- year duration consisting of 4 Semesters of 6- month each in the following subjects under the Faculty of Arts in the session 2015-2016. Online Application can be made on the University Website : www.rbu.ac.in only from 15/07/2015 to 23/07/2015 (upto 5.00 p.m.). Last date for online payment in SBI Bank is 24.7.2015 upto 4:00 p.m

No application form will be available from the University Sales Counter.
1. Faculty of Arts:
(i) Academic Programmes : M.A. (2 – year under semester system) Subjects: Bengali, English, Sanskrit, History, Economics, Philosophy, Political Science, and Education.

Eligibility : Honours Graduate or its equivalent(under 10+2+3 system) from any U.G.C. recognized University in the concerned subject. Break of study permissible up to only 2 years i.e the candidates who have passed Honours or its equivalent in 2015, 2014 & 2013 are only eligible to apply. Admission to the above courses will be taken according to merit as per norms prescribed by the University.
(ii) Academic Programmes : M.A. in Social Work (MSW) (2 – year self-financing under semester system)
Minimum Eligibility : Honours Graduate or its equivalent (under 10+2+3 system) from any U.G.C. recognized University in any subject. Break of study permissible up to only 2 years i.e the candidates who have passed Honours or its equivalent in 2015, 2014 & 2013 are only eligible to apply. Admission to the above courses will be taken according to merit as per norms prescribed by the University.
(iii) Academic Programmes: M.A. (2 - year self-financing under semester system;) Subjects:,
(a) Subjects: Mathematics, Geography, Sociology and Hindi
Eligibility : Honours Graduate or its equivalent (under 10+2+3 system) from any U.G.C. recognized University in the concerned subject. Break of study permissible up to only 2 years i.e the candidates who have passed Honours or its equivalent in 2015, 2014 & 2013 are eligible to apply. Admission to the above courses will be taken according to merit as per norms prescribed by the University.

(b)Subjects: Environmental Studies and Human Rights and Human Development (i)Environmental Studies : Honours Graduate or its equivalent (under 10+2+3 system) from any U.G.C. recognized University in any subject. Break of study permissible up to only 2 years i.e the candidates who have passed Honours or its equivalent in 2015, 2014 & 2013 are eligible to apply. Admission to the above courses will be taken according to merit as per norms prescribed by the University. (ii) Human Rights and Human Development : 50% marks in aggregate ( relaxation up to 10% for SC/ST/PH candidates ) in any Honours course (under 10+2+3 system) of Social Sciences. For freshers: Break of study permissible up to only 2 years i.e the candidates who have passed Honours or its equivalent in 2015, 2014 & 2013 are eligible to apply. Exception may be made for the candidates already working in Army / Paramilitary force / Police or in any human rights organization / NGO. Admission to M.A course in Human Rights and Human Development will be made through admission test.

Norms being adopted for preparation of merit list 1. For the subjects under the Faculty of Arts (other than Human Rights and Human Development): (a) H.S or its equivalent - 50 (on pro-rata basis when full score will be considered equivalent) [(best 4 subjects other than Environmental Education (ENVS) ] (b)Honours or its equivalent - 50 (on pro-rata basis when full score will be considered equivalent)
Aggregate of the total score ( a +b = total score) will be counted towards preparation of provisional merit lists which will be subject to verification. However , admission of the candidates passed from Open Universities /ODL system will be made through admission test.

Reservation of Seats
1. Reservation of seats for the reserved categories of ST/SC/OBC-A&B/PWD(PH) will be as per the West Bengal Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2013. 2. Few seats are reserved in each course for Foreign / NRI students against a higher rate of tuition fees. In case of non-availability of Foreign / NRI students, Indian students may be considered in those seats against the same higher rate of tuition fees. For these seats, application will be invited after the admission of 2nd merit list. Such applications will have to be downloaded from the University website by entering the system generated application form number which has already been submitted for consideration of admission. Therefore, it is to be noted that only the candidates who have already submitted application form for admission in this session i.e. 2015-16, will get the chance to apply.

3. Sports quota is applicable only in the subjects under the Faculty of Arts.

How to Apply:

For submission of Application Form online, it will be mandatory for the candidates to make proper entry of the requisite information in the prescribed spaces provided on the website. Before filling in online , keep all the information required in this form ready. Please follow the under mentioned instructions and steps to fill-in the application form online

Step:1. Creation of User ID: First of all, each and every applicant needs to register his/her email id and a password by entering the requisite information in the spaces provided to proceed further. A verification link will be sent to the registered email id. The applicant should click on the verification link sent to the registered email id for verification. Once the email is verified, the applicant will be allowed to login using the registered email and password to proceed for online application for admission.
Step:2. Online application: The applicant will be required to enter the requisite information and academic marks very carefully into the given spaces of the Application Format. Please go through and check carefully whether the information furnished by you are correct or not. If found erroneous, please correct it before proceeding to the next step. Once submitted, the data cannot be edited or corrected.
Step: 3. Uploading photo and signature: A recent passport size colour photograph and signature of the applicant needs to be scanned and uploaded. The scanned photograph and signature of the applicant should be in JPG format and within 100KB.
Step: 4. Print application details: After uploading the photograph and signature, an Application details page will be displayed. At this stage, the applicant will be required to PRINT the page and proceed for making online payment. Please note that if payment process is not completed in the next steps, the application thus submitted will be invalid and shall be treated as rejected
How to Make Payment
Step: 1. Application Processing fee Payment: The printed page generated in Step 4 above should be kept handy before proceeding for online payment. Now for payment of Application Processing fee, please login to the university portal with your registered email id and password and click the Payment Button. Once the Payment Button is clicked, the website will be redirected to SBI Collect portal of State Bank of India (SBI) (website: www.onlinesbi.com) for payment.
Step: 2. Accepting Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions: The applicant is advised to go through the disclaimer and terms and conditions of SBI Collect and click the “I have read and accepted the terms and conditions stated above” check box and then click the “Proceed” button.
Step: 3. Select State and Type of Corporate / Institution: Now the applicant should select “West Bengal” under “Select State” and “Educational Institution” under “Select Type”. Then click the “Go” button.
Step: 4. Select from Educational Institutions: Now the applicant should select “RABINDRA BHARATI UNIVERSITY” under “Select Educational Institutions” and then click the “Submit” button
Step: 5. Provide details of payment: Now here the applicant should select “Application Processing fee”. It will automatically redirect to “Provide details of payment” page.
Step: 6. Provide details of payment: Now the applicant will be asked to enter the requisite information in the given spaces of Payment Format. The applicant should use the Application Details page printed earlier to fill-up the required information in this page. Before submission, the applicant must verify that all the entries made here are correct. If the information entered here are not correct then the application will be rejected and no refund will be made.
Step: 7. Choosing Payment Option: At this stage applicant will be asked to choose online or offline payment mode
If Online mode of payment is chosen, the applicant will be able to pay requisite amount of Application Processing Fee of Rs.200/- + additional charge of Bank (Rs.150/-+ additional charge of Bank for PWD(PH) candidates) online through Internet Banking, SBI ATM Card/Debit Card or through ATM Card/Debit Card of any other Banks as shown on the dropdown box. On successful transaction of payment, an e-receipt will be generated. Please take a print out of it and retain it carefully for future reference.
And if Offline mode of payment is chosen, a pre-printed Challan in duplicate will be generated. The applicant will be required to take print out of the Challan thus generated and submit the same at any SBI branches to deposit the Application Processing Fee of Rs.200/- + additional charge of Bank (Rs.150/-+ additional charge of Bank for PWD(PH) candidates) .The applicant must retain one copy of Challan (payment receipt) carefully for future reference.
Step: 8. Download Admission Form: After submission of Application Processing fee through online or offline payment mode, the admission form can be downloaded by entering the Bank Payment Transaction ID. To download the Admission form the applicant should login to the university portal using the registered email id and password and and enter the Bank Payment Transaction ID and click on the “Download Admission Form” button. The applicant is advised to print the downloaded form and retain it for future reference.
General Instructions to the Applicants
1. It is to be noted that the information entered in the prescribed places on the website will be reflected on the downloaded Application Form and the same information will be saved in the database for further processing of the form for admission. Candidates are advised to take special care to make correct entry only. Therefore, application forms with manual corrections will not be accepted.

2. Please enter genuine Mobile Phone Number and email address for future communication regarding admission . No fictitious information should be entered.
3. No application for change of information already reflected on the downloaded application form will be entertained,unless otherwise it is notified for rectification. 4. Incomplete application form, if downloaded and submitted, will be treated as cancelled. 5. Duly filled-in downloaded application form should be signed by the candidate and his/her parent/guardian at the given spaces of the form. 6. The duly filled-in application form along with self-attested copies of all mark sheets, certificates and other relevant documents and copy of payment receipt, has to be retained by the candidate. 7. Applicants must preserve the acknowledgement receipts such as the Application Form Submission , Bank Payment etc.for future reference. 8. The applicant is not required to submit the hard copy of duly filled-in downloaded Application Form to the University. However, the hard copy of duly filled-in downloaded Application Form along with self-attested copies of all mark sheets, certificates and other relevant documents and copy of payment receipts will be required only at the later stage if the candidate is provisionally selected for admission .
Reservation of Seats
1. Reservation of seats for the reserved categories of ST/SC/OBC/PH will be as per the West Bengal Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2013. 2. Few seats are reserved in each course for Foreign / NRI/Kashmiri migrant students as supernumerary seats against a higher rate of tuition fees as per UGC guidelines. In case of non-availability of Foreign / NRI students, Indian students may be considered in those seats against the same higher rate of tuition fees. For these seats, application will be invited after the completion of the online booking of seats. Such applications will have to be downloaded from the University website by entering the system generated application form number which has already been submitted for consideration of admission. Therefore, it is to be noted that only the candidates who have already submitted application form online for admission in this session i.e. 2015-16, will get the chance to apply

Publication of Lists & Modes of Admission

1. 1st Provisional Merit list of the candidates selected for admission and other details will be published on the University website on 07/08/2015 (after 4:00 pm) . 2. Provisional Admission: On 10/08/2015 and 11/08/2015 the selected candidates will be required to pay the following Course fees(for 1st semester): (i)Rs.1765/- + additional charge of Bank for + additional charge of Bank for the subjects of Bengali, English, Sanskrit, History, Philosophy and Political Science (ii) Rs.1965/ + additional charge of Bank for + additional charge of Bank for the subject of Economics (iii) Rs.3015/ + additional charge of Bank for + additional charge of Bank for the subject of Education. (iv) Rs.6815/-+ additional charge of Bank for + additional charge of Bank for the subjects of Geography and Environmental Studies. (v) Rs. 6405/-+ additional charge of Bank for + additional charge of Bank for the Subject of Mathematics. (vi) Rs. 5815/-+ additional charge of Bank for + additional charge of Bank for the subjects of Sociology, Hindi and Human Rights and Human Development. (vii) Rs. 10568/-+ additional charge of Bank for + additional charge of Bank for the subject of Social Work (MSW).
Payment is to be made online using his/her previous Login ID and Password, Application ID etc. Once again the candidate will be offered to pay through Online or Offline mode. After successful transaction of payment of Course fee, the candidate will be treated as admitted provisionally . Please note that this provisional admission will be categorically treated as cancelled , if the information particularly marks entered during the filling up of Application Form do not tally with the actual marks reflected on the original mark sheets.

iii) Admission Confirmation: 13/08/2015 and 14/08/2015( between 11:30 a.m. and 3:3:30 p.m.) For confirmation of admission, provisionally admitted candidates must bring all original marksheets, SC/ST/OBC-A & B /PWD certificates issued by the competent authority (in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-A & B /PWD category), and other relevant documents for physical verification. Only after successful verification, the provisional admission will be confirmed .If any discrepancies are found during verification of documents, marks, scores, etc. the provisional admission in the respective academic programme will be categorically cancelled and no refund of payment will be made. No further application for rectification will be entertained at this stage. A set of hard copy of duly filled-in downloaded Application Form along with self-attested copies of all mark sheets, certificates and other relevant documents and copy of payment receipt will be required.

Exercise of Option
As per Govt. Rules, the candidates belonging to reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC) who have found place in the general merit list on the basis of their merit will also be placed in the merit list for the reserved categories of candidates. It is mandatory for such candidates to exercise their option on whether they would like to be placed in the general merit list or the separate merit list for reserved categories of candidates. Admission would be made as per the option exercised by the candidates. The option once exercised shall not be altered under any circumstances. Option will have to be submitted at the time of confirmation of admission. Details will be notified in due course

Reservation of Seats
1.Reservation of seats for the reserved categories of ST/SC/OBC-A&B/PWD will be as per the West Bengal Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2013.

2. Few seats are reserved for Foreign / NRI students against a higher rate of tuition fees in the subjects of Bengali, English, Economics, Sanskrit, History, Philosophy and Political Science. In case of non-availability of Foreign / NRI students, Indian students may be considered in those seats against the same higher rate of tuition fees. For these seats, application will be invited after the admission of 2nd merit list. Such applications will have to be downloaded from the University website by entering the system generated application form number which has already been submitted online for consideration of admission. Therefore, it is to be noted that only the candidates who have already submitted application form online for admission in this session i.e. 2015-16, will get the chance to apply.

General Information: 1. No student will participate in, abet or propagate ragging in the University campus and hostels as per order of the Honorable Supreme Court. 2. Candidates admitted elsewhere in any degree course must submit certificate or any other relevant document showing cancellation from the said degree course at the time of admission. Failing which, his/her candidature will be treated as cancelled. 3. No candidate will be allowed for admission to two or more concurrent degree courses in the same University (regular/external) in the same calendar year. 4. Candidates interested in admission will be required to collect all information regarding interview/test and admission dates in this regard from the University Website: www.rbu.ac.in. 5. Admission of a candidate will be cancelled if any information given by him/her is found to be wrong or suppressed. 6. Submission of application Forms for admission does not imply any right to admission and selection for admission does not assure accommodation in University Hostels. 7. The list of the Candidates selected for interview/written test /admission will generally be treated as cancelled as soon as the corresponding last date is over. 8. In case of any disputes, the decision of the University will be final and binding to all concerned.
 (Ujjwol Kumar Basumata)
 Secretary, Faculty Councils (Acting)

আরো বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানতে অনুগ্রহ করে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট দেখুন


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