B.L.I. Sc., M. L.I. Sc. এবং M. L.I. Sc. in Digital Library courses –এ ভর্তির জন্য অনলাইন দরখাস্ত আহব্বান করছে যাদবপুর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ ৩১ শে মার্চ ২০১৫
মুল বিজ্ঞপ্তি হতে কপি করে নিচে দেওয়া হল

Eligibility Criteria For Bachelor of Library and Information Science Course

For Deputed Candidates
Bachelor's Degree in any subject with at least one year's experience (as on the last date for submission of applications) as a whole-time salaried employee in a recognized library / information center.
For Candidates with Certificate in Library & Information Science
Bachelor's Degree in any subject with Certificate in Library and Information Science with minimum 60% marks (45% for SC/ST and 55% for PD candidates) from any recognized institution.
For Other Candidates
An Honours and/or Master's Degree in any subject or equivalent degree with a minimum of 50% marks in any level (no marks barrier for SC/ST/PD candidates) from any recognized institution, with a minimum of 45% marks in the H.S or equivalent examination.

Selection procedure For Bachelor of Library and Information Science Course

For Deputed Candidates
Selection will be made in order of merit ascertained on the basis of academic results including results of Certificate in Library &Information Science and experience of library work.
For Certificate in Library Science holdres
Selection will be made in order of merit ascertained on the basis of academic results including results of Certificate in Library &Information Science.
For Others
Selection will be made in order of merit ascertained on the basis of academic results.

Scale of marking

H.S or equivalent
Below 50%
50% and above but below 60%
60% and above but below 70%
70% and above

B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com (Pass course)
Below 45%
45% and above but below 50%
50% and above but below 60%
60% and above but below 70%
70% and above

B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com (Honours course)
Below 50%
50% and above but below 60%
60% and above but below 70%
70% and above

M.A/ M.Sc/ M.Com
Below 50%
50% and above but below 60%
60% and above but below 70%
70% and above

Certificate in LIS
Below 50%
50% and above but below 60%
60% and above but below 70%
70% and above

Experience: 1 mark for every two years of service completed subject to a maximum 5 marks.

No credit will be given for incomplete results. Any candidate who does not have final marksheet will not be considered for admission, even if he/she is provisionally selected for admission by mistake.

As per circular Nos. BC-16014/1/82-SC dt.06/08/1984 & BCD-1, D.O.12017/11/89-SCD(R.CELL) dt.09/01/1990 and letter No.1510-SCW dt.31/05/2007 from the Government of West Bengal, Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes of the States other than West Bengal are not entitled to get the benefit of reserved quota in Educational Institutions in West Bengal.

Important dates For Bachelor of Library and Information Science Candidates

Last date of online submission of applications
List of eligible candidates who passed their last examination through distance mode, for a qualifying examination
02/04/2015 after 4pm.The qualifying examination will be held on 06/04/2015 at 12noon at Dept. of Library & Inf. Sc.
Publication of list of provisionally selected candidates
13/04/2015 after 4pm
Interview of provisionally selected candidates
20/04/2015 at 11am at Anita Banerjee Memorial Hall, UG Arts Building, JU, Kolkata-32
Admission of provisionally selected candidates
21/04/2015 at 11am at the office of KMR

How to calculate the marks obtained

For Higher Secondary or equivalent
On the basis of:
1. W.B.C.H.S.E.: Best of 4 subjects excluding marks of Environmental Studies/Environmental Education (out of 400 marks)
2. Central Board of Secondary Education: Best of 4 subjects (out of 400 marks)
3. Council for the Indian School Certificate: Best of 4 subjects (out of 400 marks)
4. Other Boards: Best of 4 subjects (out of 400 marks)
For Honours Graduates
On the basis of aggregate of all marks obtained in Honours paper only
For Pass Graduates
On the basis of aggregate of all marks obtained
For Post Graduate
On the basis of aggregate of all marks obtained
For Certificate Course
On the basis of aggregate of all marks obtained

How to Apply Online
The link for online sumission of applications is available at the end of this file. But before applying please read this help file carefully.
Step 1:
You need to enter your personal and educational information here. All boxes marked with the red asterisk (*) are mandatory. If you are not sure about the meaning of any box, place the cursor over that box, and a Tool Tip box will appear. If you remove the cursor, the box will disappear. You should start by entering your first name, surname etc. and then go on to complete the other boxes.
To enter your date of birth you have to use this calendar. The date you click on will be selected in dd/mm/yyyy format. If you need to change the default year or month then click on the year or month combo box. Also select your applicant type means FRESHER/ CERTIFICATE/ DEPUTED. If the last examination, you passed was through a distance mode then set "Yes" as value of the combo box. Enter your academic results from Madhyamik or equivalent. If you don't find your honours subject in the honours subject list, please contact to help line no (+91-7384130712).If you have grading system instead of percentage in your result, please convert the grade to corresponding percentage value according to the rules of your board/university (Necessary documents have to be submitted at the time of interview, if provisionally selected).
Select "Yes", if you are already a student of Jadavpur University / are continuing any other course / are employed to the corresponding combo box.
Now to confirm that you have entered your data correctly, click the “Preview” button on the bottom left position of the window . Then click on the "Save" button. If you do not want to register right away, then click on the "Cancel" button to return to the HOME page.
When you click on the save button an alert box will appear to ask if you are sure that you have entered the correct data. If you are sure, click on the OK button. If you are not, click the Cancel button and re-check or update your data if necessary. If you click the OK button, you will get a unique number (Application No.) and your score on the basis of your academic result. Please note down the Application No, you will need this No. to login to this system in future.
Step 2:
In Acknowledgement page you can print your bank challan in either pdf or html version. If you do not have Adobe Reader then use the html version. You are advised to print your bank challan immediately after registration. If you do not have a printer attached to your terminal, you can save the pdf file to your CD/ Pen drive and print it later.
Now you need to go to any branch of the State Bank of India and pay the required amount using the challan. Now You have to login to the system using your Application No. and in the Acknowledgement page upload your fees deposition details by clicking Insert Fess Details.

Eligibility Criteria For Master of Library and Information Science Course

For Deputed Candidates
Bachelor's Degree in any subject with BLIS degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with minimum 3 years of experience (as on the date for submission of application) after passing BLIS as a whole-time salaried staff member in a recognized library or information center.
For Others
Bachelor's Degree in any subject with BLIS degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with minimum 55% marks in BLIS (41% for SC/STand 50% for PD).

Eligibility Criteria For Master of Library and Information Science in Digital Library Course

For Deputed Candidates
Bachelor's Degree in any subject with BLIS degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with minimum 3 years of experience (as on the date for submission of application) after passing BLIS as a whole-time salaried staff member in a recognized library or information center.
For Others
Bachelor's Degree in any subject with BLIS degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with minimum 55% marks in BLIS (41% for SC/STand 50% for PD).

election procedure For Master of Library and Information Science and Master of Library and Information Science in Digital Library Courses

Selection of candidates in the respective categories will be made in order of merit ascertained on the basis of 50% weightage on the marks secured in the BLIS examination and 50% weightage on the marks secured in the Written Admission Test.

As per circular Nos. BC-16014/1/82-SC dt.06/08/1984 & BCD-1, D.O.12017/11/89-SCD(R.CELL) dt.09/01/1990 and letter No.1510-SCW dt.31/05/2007 from the Government of West Bengal, Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes of the States other than West Bengal are not entitled to get the benefit of reserved quota in Educational Institutions in West Bengal.

Important dates for MLISC

Last date of online submission of applications
Publication of list of eligible candidates for admission test
06/04/2015 after 4pm
Admission test of candidates for Master of Library and Information Science (MLISC)
13/04/2015 at 12Noon at the Dept. of Library & Information Science of Jadavpur University (Main Campus)
Publication of list of provisionally selected candidates for Master of Library and Information Science (MLISC)
28/04/2015 after 4pm
Interview of provisionally selected candidates for Master of Library and Information Science (MLISC)
05/05/2015 at 11am at Anita Banerjee Memorial Hall, UG Arts Building, JU, Kolkata-32
Admission of provisionally selected candidates for Master of Library and Information Science (MLISC)
06/05/2015 at 11am at the Office of KMR

Important dates for MLISC in Digital Library

Last date of online submission of applications
Publication of list of eligible candidates for admission test
06/04/2015 after 4pm
Admission test of candidates for Master of Library and Information Science in Digital Library (MLISC in Digital Library)
20/04/2015 at 12Noon at the Dept. of Library & Information Science of Jadavpur University (Main Campus)
Publication of list of provisionally selected candidates for Master of Library and Information Science in Digital Library (MLISC in Digital Library)
04/05/2015 after 4pm
Interview of provisionally selected candidates for Master of Library and Information Science in Digital Library (MLISC in Digital Library)
12/05/2015 at 11am at Anita Banerjee Memorial Hall, UG Arts Building, JU, Kolkata-32
Admission of provisionally selected candidates for Master of Library and Information Science in Digital Library (MLISC in Digital Library)
13/05/2015 at 11am at the Office of KMR

The link for online sumission of applications is available at the end of this file. But before applying please read this help file carefully.
Step 1:
You need to enter your personal and educational information here. All boxes marked with the red asterisk (*) are mandatory. If you are not sure about the meaning of any box, place the cursor over that box, and a Tool Tip box will appear. If you remove the cursor, the box will disappear. You should start by entering your first name, surname etc. and then go on to complete the other boxes.
To enter your date of birth you have to use this calendar. The date you click on will be selected in dd/mm/yyyy format. If you need to change the default year or month then click on the year or month combo box. Also select your applicant type means FRESHER/ DEPUTED. Enter your academic results from Madhyamik or equivalent. If you have grading system instead of percentage in your result, please convert the grade to corresponding percentage value according to the rules of your board/university (Necessary documents have to be submitted at the time of interview, if provisionally selected).
Select "Yes", if you are already a student of Jadavpur University / are continuing any other course / are employed to the corresponding combo box.
Now to confirm that you have entered your data correctly, click the “Preview” button on the bottom left position of the window as shown in the screenshot. Then click on the "Save" button. If you do not want to register right away, then click on the "Cancel" button to return to the HOME page.
When you click on the save button an alert box will appear to ask if you are sure that you have entered the correct data. If you are sure, click on the OK button. If you are not, click the Cancel button and re-check or update your data if necessary. If you click the OK button, you will get a unique number (Login ID). PLEASE NOTE YOUR LOGIN ID. CAREFULLY AND WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY.If you forget or lose your ID. you will not be able to login back into the system.
Step 2:
Select the course that you wish to apply for. Before applying you can review the eligibility criteria from the link on the top right corner. If you are eligible, click the Save button and a prompt box will appear asking you to note your unique Application No. PLEASE NOTE YOUR APPLICATION NO. CAREFULLY AND WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY.
Step 3:
Here you can print your bank challan in either pdf or html version. If you do not have Adobe Reader then use the html version. You are advised to print your bank challan immediately after registration. If you do not have a printer attached to your terminal, you can save the pdf file to your CD/ Pen drive and print it later.
Now you need to go to any branch of the State Bank of India and pay the required amount using the challan. Now You have to login to the system using your Login ID/ Application No. and in the Acknowledgement page upload your fees deposition details by clicking Insert Fess Details. 
After submitting the fees details the Admit card will be generated. Please print the admit card for written admission test.
If you want to apply for another course, you don't have to fill the form again. Please log in to the system using your Login ID/ Application No and follow step 2 & step 3

আরও বিস্তারিত তথ্য পাওয়া যাবে নিচের লিঙ্কে

বি.দ্র. এই তথ্যের সত্যতা যাচাই করার দায়িত্ব তোমাদের  টাইপজনিত ভুলের  জন্য বা অন্য কোন কারনের জন্য  তথ্যকেন্দ্রে প্রদর্শিত তথ্য ব্যাবহারের ফলে কারো কোন প্রকারের লোকসান হলে তার জন্য টিম তথ্য কেন্দ্র কোনভাবে  দায়ি থাকবেনা  বিভিন্ন সুত্রহতে টিম তথ্য কেন্দ্র শুধুমাত্র তোমাদেরকে  প্রাথমিকভাবে জানানোর জন্য এই তথ্য প্রদান করছে  এবং লিঙ্ক করা ওয়েবসাইট এর বিষয়বস্তুর বা কনটেন্টের জন্য আমরা দায়ী নয় 


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