২০১৫-২০১৬ শিক্ষা বর্ষে বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে দুই বছরের রেগুলার M.Phil. কোর্সে ভর্তির জন্য দরখাস্ত আহব্বান করছে গৌড় বঙ্গ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

বিস্তারিত তথ্যের জন্য মূল বিজ্ঞপ্তি হতে তা কপি করে নিচে দেওয়া হল

University of GoUr BanGa

Phone: (03512) 223664 / 223666; Fax: (03512) 2235 568
E-Mail: registrar@ugb.ac.in, Website: www.ugb.ac.in


Applications in prescribed form are invited for admission to M. Phil. Programme (2 Year-Regular) during the year 2015-2016 in the subjects mentioned below. For detailed information and application form, please visit
www.ugb.ac.in (Admission / Notice section).
Closing date for submission of the filled in application form is March 24, 2015 (upto 03:00 pm).

Department wise Vacancy
Sl. No. Name of the Department Proposed No. of Scholar to be Admitted
1.       Bengali                 30
2.       Botany                15     
3.       English                20
4.       Education             15
5.       Geography           10
6.       History                 06
7.       Philosophy           10
8.       Political Science   10
9.       Sanskrit                08
10.     Sociology             06
11.     Zoology                07

Any Candidate who possesses Masters Degree with minimum 55% marks (relaxation of 5% marks for
SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B as per govt. rules) or its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading
system is followed in the concerned subject or in allied subjects may apply for admission to the M.Phil.
Foreign students will be required to produce clearance from the Government of India and / or other appropriate
authorities. Admission into the M. Phil. programme may be granted only to such foreign nationals who have obtained
a research visa.

Reservation: As per Govt. Rules.
Information sheet to be issued along with application form will contain other relevant details. Application
Form & Information Sheet may also be downloaded from our website: www.ugb.ac.in.
Candidates obtaining application form from the website must enclose a demand draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 300/- for Reserved category candidates viz. SC/ST/BC/PWD) drawn in favour of University of Gour Banga”,
payable at UBI, Malda at the time of submission of the same.

Last date of submission of form: March 24, 2015 (upto 03:00 pm).

General Information to the candidates

1) Completed application along with two copies of the recent passport size photograph (identical with the same pasted in the form) and other documents regarding citizenship (by registration), age, qualification, and experience etc. duly attested by the appropriate authority must be sent to the Office of the Registrar at the time of submitting the application form.
2) Four self-addressed unstamped envelop (10” x 4”) should be enclosed.
3) Incomplete application shall not be considered.
4) No application other than in prescribed application form will be considered.
5) Application form not properly filled-in or incomplete in any respect or without requisite documents will be summarily rejected.
6) Candidate must write the “Name of the Subject of the M. Phil. Programme applied for:” on the envelope.
7) Application fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
8) Persons working in Govt./Semi-Govt./Public Sector Undertaking must apply through proper channel. A “No Objection Certificate” from the present employer shall be attached.
9) Proof of belonging to SC* or ST* or BC* or persons with disability (PWD**) must be submitted along with the filled-in Application Form and no claim in this regard will be entertained afterwards.
10) The filled-in downloaded application must be accompanied by Crossed Bank Draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST/BC/PWD) payable in favour of University of Gour Banga” at UBI, UGB Branch, Malda.
11) A candidate, having the minimum qualifying marks in the written test, will not, by itself, ensure his/her admission to the programme.
12) The University shall not entertain any application after the last date and shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
13) Candidates will have to carry on the course work, research work at his/her own expenses under prescribed norms & conditions which will be intimated in due course.
14) Candidates will be selected for admission to Course Work Programme through written test and Personal Interview/viva-voce.
15) A candidate, securing minimum qualifying marks in the written test, will be formally called for appearing before the concerned interview board as constituted by Departmental Committee.
16) All qualified candidates in the written test will be required to appear at the interview test. The successful Written qualified candidates will have to pursue course work within the validity of the Written Test result.
17) The University shall reserve the right to cancel the process of admission of M. Phil. to any programme of the abovementioned subject(s) without showing any reason whatsoever.
18) Wilful suppression of any material fact will also be similarly dealt with.
19) The selected candidates will receive a provisional Registration certificate at the time of commencement of Course Work and he/she will receive the final Registration Certificate after successful completion of the Course Work. The date of registration in the M. Phil. work will be counted on and from the date of
provisional Registration.
20) The candidates completed Course Work are exempted from the Course Work, as per UGC Regulations.

The applicants will be required to collect Receipt cum Admit Cards from the Office of the Registrar, UGB at time of submitting the application forms.
* Relevant Certificate must conform to West Bengal Govt. Memo No. 1813-BCW/MR-94/11 dated 20th June, 2011.Candidates claiming reservation against SC/ST quota of seats must submit relevant caste certificates issued in their favour by one of the authorities listed below:

(i) Deputy Collector of Land Revenue, Kolkata Collector of Stamp Revenue, Kolkata Metropolitan Magistrate, Kolkata, Addl. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Kolkata, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Kolkata, 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate, Executive Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Officer, Deputy Collector, Addl. District Magistrate, Collector and District Magistrate within their respective jurisdictions in case of candidates claiming to be Schedule Caste or Schedule Tribe and ordinarily residing within such jurisdictions.
(ii) Deputy Director, Backward Classes Welfare, West Bengal and Commissioner, Backward Classes Welfare, West Bengal in case of candidates claiming to be Schedule Caste or Schedule Tribe residing in any part of W.B.
** The Certificate must be currently renewed and issued in favour of the candidate by an appropriate authority not below the rank of Superintendent of Sub-Divisional Hospital. In the certificate, the extent of Physical Disability must not be below 40%.

M. Phil. Programme SCHEDULE (2015 - 2016)

Sl. No. Proposed activities Dates and Time
1. Date of publication of advertisement for M. Phil. Programme:  March 3, 2015
2. Date of Submission of Application Form: March 24, 2015 (upto 03:00 pm).
3.Date of Entrance Test: April 22, 2015-for ARTS Subjects
April 23, 2015-for SCIENCE Subjects

The entrance test of 100 marks [MCQ-80 (40
Questions, all compulsory) + Subjective-20].
CUT OFF Marks – 50% (Written).
Syllabus: As per PG Syllabus of UGB.
Written test will be held as per following programme:
Duration of test: 1 Hr 30 min.
Time of test: 12 Noon to 01:30 pm.
Reporting time: 11:30 am
No postal communication will be made in this

4. Date of publication of the results of Entrance Test:

April 28, 2015-for ARTS Subjects
April 29, 2015-for SCIENCE Subjects

5.Date of interview /viva-voce in the respective department: On or within May 15, 2015. (To be announced in the University website)

Candidates, who will appear at Personal Interview only,
are advised to bring all the testimonials in original.

6. Date of publication of the final result: May 20, 2015.
7. Date of Admission to M. Phil. Programme: May 25, 26 & 27, 2015.
8. Date of commencement of 1st Semester of M. Phil.: June 1, 2015.

1) All the information will be notified online as well as on the Notice Board of the respective departments.
2) All the dates are liable to change due to unavoidable circumstances.

আরও বিস্তারিত তথ্য পাওয়া যাবে নিচের লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করে

বি.দ্র. এই তথ্যের সত্যতা যাচাই করার দায়িত্ব তোমাদের  টাইপজনিত ভুলের  জন্য বা অন্য কোন কারনের জন্য  তথ্যকেন্দ্রে প্রদর্শিত তথ্য ব্যাবহারের ফলে কারো কোন প্রকারের লোকসান হলে তার জন্য টিম তথ্য কেন্দ্র কোনভাবে  দায়ি থাকবেনা  বিভিন্ন সুত্রহতে টিম তথ্য কেন্দ্র শুধুমাত্র তোমাদেরকে  প্রাথমিকভাবে জানানোর জন্য এই তথ্য প্রদান করছে  এবং লিঙ্ক করা ওয়েবসাইট এর বিষয়বস্তুর বা কনটেন্টের জন্য আমরা দায়ী নয় 


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