মাসিক বৃত্তি সহ বিভিন্ন কোর্সে ভর্তির জন্য অনলাইন দরখাস্ত আহব্বান করছে ISI, Kolkata. এ বছর যারা ফাইনাল পরীক্ষা দিবে তারাও আবেদনের যোগ্য

কোর্সের নাম, ভর্তির জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা, মাসিক স্টাইপেন্ড ও কোথায় পড়ানো হবে এ সম্বন্ধে বিস্তারিত তথ্য মূল বিজ্ঞপ্তি হতে কপি করে নিচে দেওয়া হল


B Stat (Hons), B Math (Hons), M Stat, M Math, MS (QE), MS(QMS), MS (LIS), M Tech (CS), M Tech (QROR), PG Diploma and Research Fellowships.

Applications are invited for the following programmes from the candidates having qualifications as shown against each programme. Candidates who are due to complete the qualifying examinations before 01 July 2015 may also apply. Stipends/Fellowships as mentioned against each programme will be available to the deserving candidates.

1. 3-year B Stat (Hons): Successful completion of Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent with Mathematics and English. Stipend 3000/- per month (Offered at Kolkata).

2. 3-year BMath (Hons): Successful completion of Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent with Mathematics and English. Stipend 3000/- per month (Offered at Bengaluru).

For the above two programmes, eligible Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) Awardees of any previous year need not sit for the written test. Such candidates would be directly called for interview but are required to apply in the prescribed application form like all other candidates (see details in Prospectus).

3. 2-year M Stat: 3-year Bachelor’s degree with Statistics as a full subject, or a B Stat/B Math Degree/PG Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics from ISI. Stipend 5000/- per month (Offered at Delhi and Chennai).

4. 2-year M Math: 3-year Bachelor’s degree or a BE/B Tech degree, with Mathematics and an exceptionally strong background in Analysis and Abstract Algebra or a B Stat/B Math degree from ISI. Stipend 5000/per month (Offered at Bengaluru).

5. 2-year Master of Science (MS) in Quantitative Economics: 3-year Bachelor’s degree in Economics/ Mathematics/Statistics/Physics or a B Stat degree from ISI or a BE/B Tech degree with knowledge of Economics and Mathematics at the undergraduate level. Stipend 5000/- per month (Offered at Kolkata and Delhi).

6. 2-year Master of Science (MS) in Quality Management Science: 3-year Bachelor's degree with Mathematics. Graduate Engineers are also eligible to apply. Stipend 5000/- per month (Offered at Bengaluru-Hyderabad, see details in Prospectus).

7. 2-year Master of Science (MS) in Library and Information Science: 3-year Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Stipend 5000/- per month (Offered at Bengaluru).

8. 2-year M Tech in Computer Science: (i) Master's degree in Mathematics/Statistics/Physics/ Electronic Science/Computer Science/Computer Applications/Information Technology or, (ii) Bachelor's degree in Engineering/Technology or any other qualification considered equivalent (such as AMIE or, GRAD-IETE or, DOEACC ‘B’ Level). Stipend 8000/- per month (Offered at Kolkata).

A candidate with a valid GATE scores above a threshold (to be decided by the Selection Committee) in his/her own subject would be directly called for interview. However, such candidates are required to apply in the prescribed application form like all other candidates (see details in Prospectus).

9. 2-year M Tech in Quality, Reliability and Operations Research: (i) Master's degree in Statistics or Master's degree in Mathematics with Probability and Statistics as major subjects or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent or PG diploma in SQC & OR from ISI and (ii) Knowledge of Mathematics at graduate level and knowledge of Physics and Chemistry at Higher Secondary level. Stipend 8000/- per month (Offered at Kolkata).

10. 1-year PG Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics: 3-year Bachelor's degree in Mathematics/ Statistics/Economics. Stipend 2000/- per month (Offered at ISI NE centre at Tezpur, exclusively for the domiciled North-East students).

11. 1-year PG Diploma in Computer Applications: 3-year Bachelor's degree with Mathematics as one of the subjects (Offered at Giridih).

A candidate who was asked to discontinue any of the above programmes is not eligible for readmission to the same programme.

12. Junior Research Fellowship JRF:
 (a) Statistics: (i) A good academic record with M Stat, MA/M Sc or equivalent degree in Statistics or, (ii) outstanding mathematical maturity with B Stat/B Math, BA/B Sc or equivalent degree with Statistics as the main subject (Offered at Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru and Chennai).

(b) Mathematics: (i) A good academic record with M Stat, M Math, MA/M Sc or equivalent degree in Mathematics or, (ii) outstanding mathematical maturity with B Stat/B Math, BA/ B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics as the main subject (Offered at Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru and Chennai).

(c) Quantitative Economics: (i) A good academic record with MS(QE), M Stat, MA/M Sc or equivalent degree in Statistics/Mathematics/Economics/Econometrics or, (ii) outstanding mathematical maturity with BA/B Sc degree with Economics as the main subject. A candidate possessing a Master's degree in any subject with Mathematics/Statistics as a full subject at the undergraduate level is also eligible (Offered at Kolkata and Delhi).

(d) Computer Science: A good academic record with ME/M Tech or equivalent degree in Electronics/ Telecommunication/ Radio Physics/ Computer Science/ Electrical Engineering/ Microwave Communications/InformationTechnology/Bioinformatics/Biotechnology with Mathematics as a compulsory subject at the graduate level or a good academic record with M Stat/M Sc/ MCA/MA or equivalent degree in Physics/Mathematics/Applied Mathematics/ Statistics/ Electronic Sciences/ Computer Science/Atmospheric Science/ Information Technology/Bioinformatics/Biotechnology with Mathematics as a compulsory subject at the graduate level. Outstanding candidates having BE/B Tech or equivalent degree in the above subjects will also be eligible (Offered at Kolkata, Bengaluru and Chennai).

(e) Quality, Reliability and Operations Research: A good academic record with M Tech/ME/MS/ M Phil or equivalent degree in Quality/Reliability/Operations Research or a good academic record with M Stat/M Sc/MA or equivalent degree in Mathematics/Statistics/Physics with Mathematics as a compulsory subject at the graduate level. Outstanding candidates having BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree in the above subjects will also be eligible (Offered at Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai).

(f) Physics and Applied Mathematics: A consistently good academic record with M Sc in Physics/Mathematics/ Statistics (Offered at Kolkata).

(g) Agriculture and Ecology: A good academic record with M Sc (Agriculture) in Agronomy/Biotechnology or M Sc in Entomology/Plant Pathology/Botany/Ecology/ Nematology/Zoology (desirable prior experience in plant nematological work) or M Sc in Microbiology/Botany (with specialization in Microbiology)/ Biochemistry (Offered at Kolkata and Giridih).

(h) Biological Anthropology: M Sc in Anthropology with first class and with specialization in Physical/Bological Anthropology (Offered at Kolkata).

(i) Psychology: MA/ M Sc in Psychology / Applied Psychology (Offered at Kolkata).

(j) Geology: A good academic record with M Sc in Geology or equivalent (Offered at Kolkata).

(k) Sociology: A good academic record with Master’s degree in Sociology/Social Anthropology/Economics (Offered at Giridih).

(l) Library and Information Science: A consistently good academic record with first or high second class in MS (LIS) awarded by ISI or Associateship in Documentation and Information Science of ISI or NISCAIR/INSDOC or its equivalent degree (such as Master's degree in Library and Information Science from any University) with at least 55% marks in undergraduate programme (Offered at Bengaluru).

(m)Development Studies: A good academic record with Master's or M.Phil. degree in Development Studies, Sociology, Economics, Development Economics, Agricultural Economics, History, Political Science or any other social science (Offered at Bengaluru).

Fellowships for 12(a) to 12(m): i) applicants with ME/M Tech or equivalent: 18000/- per month and ii) others: 16000/- per month. A special fellowship of 20000/- per month is also available for outstanding candidates in each of the following subjects: (i) Statistics, (ii) Mathematics, (iii) Computer Science, (iv) Quantitative Economics and (v) Quality, Reliability and Operations Research. Fellowships are likely to be revised soon (Details are available in the Prospectus).

Selection of candidates is based on merit as judged by their performance in written tests and interviews conducted by the Institute. Past academic record may also be taken into consideration.
Note: Candidates selected for Junior Research Fellowships may be asked to join at a place other than the one opted for, if necessary.
Due consideration is given to SC/ST/OBC/Physically Challenged candidates for all programmes from 1 to 11 above (i.e., excluding Junior Research Fellowship programme). Detailed procedures for selection of the candidates who have been offered Junior Research Fellowships by the CSIR/NBHM are available in the prospectus. Limited hostel facilities are available.
Application procedure:
Candidates from outside India may send an email to dean@isical.ac.in with subject Admission 2015-2016 for the application procedure. Candidates in India can apply only ON-LINE through the official website http://www.isical.ac.in/~admission/. Applicants should read carefully the instructions, from our Prospectus given in the website before filling in the application form. An applicant must have access to the Internet, an email account, acrobat reader and need to have a digital copy of his/her photo and signature in appropriate format and size (see Prospectus).

Application Fee: 600.00 for all applicants in the general category and all applicants for the JRF programmes (irrespective of reservation category), 300.00 for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Challenged candidates for all programmes excluding JRF programmes.

Mode of payment: The challan generated by the on-line system must be taken to any branch of State Bank of India. The bank will accept only in cash the application fee as given above and bank charges (60.00). 

একনজরে সংক্ষিপ্ত সূচিঃ
On-line Application Starts: 3 February 2015
On-line Application Ends: 3 March 2015
Payment of Application Fee at SBI Branches Starts: 6 February 2015
Payment of Application Fee at SBI Branches Ends: 10 March 2015
Admission Test: 10 May 2015

আরও বিস্তারিত তথ্য পাওয়া যাবে নিচের লিঙ্ক গুলিতে 

অনলাইন আবেদন করাযাবে নিচের লিঙ্কে
Apply Online Now

এর জন্য কোনরকম তথ্যের সহায়তা প্রয়োজন হলে প্রথমে g-mail account  দিয়েsign in করে তারপর কমেন্ট বক্সে লিখে জানাও অথবা মেইল করো tkendra@rediffmail.com 
বি.দ্র. এই তথ্যের সত্যতা যাচাই করার দায়িত্ব তোমাদের টাইপ জনিত ভুলের জন্য বা অন্য কোন কারনে জন্য  তথ্যকেন্দ্রে প্রদর্শিত তথ্য ব্যাবহারের ফলে কারো কোনপ্রকারের লোকসান হলে তার জন্য টিম তথ্য কেন্দ্র কোনভাবে দায়ি থাকবেনা বিভিন্ন সুত্র হতে টিম তথ্য কেন্দ্র শুধুমাত্র তোমাদেরকে প্রাথমিক ভাবে জানানোর জন্য এই তথ্য প্রদান করছে  এবং লিঙ্ক করা ওয়েবসাইট এর বিষয়বস্তুর বা কনটেন্টের জন্য আমরা দায়ী নয়


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